Friday Workshops
Larry Southall, Donna Mejia and Khadijah
LUNCH LECTURE with DONNA MEJIA First Steps: Understanding the Hidden Privileges in our Practices
Friday, 12:30pm-2pm
When trying to understand cultural appropriation, there are some very elegant and profound questions that serve as insightful first steps. Learning to situate ourselves within our dance practice inevitably requires we dialog with the attached history of Orientalist projections, caricature, gender norms and standards of attractiveness. Or perhaps these issues have been thrust upon you by others? In this facilitated discussion Donna invites participants to investigate and share thoughts about what hidden values and messages are perpetuated by our dance industry. Hidden biases may surprise you, as we are all afflicted with them. In addition to learning about the agency we have in artmaking, we will also investigate strategies to interrupt questionable practices and construct new possibilities for ourselves. Tough questions will lead us to courageous conversations…please come share your thoughts!
Saidi Sass with Khadijah
Friday, 2pm-3:30pm
Saidi Sass, a very popular Upper Egyptian folk style, can be performed with or without “assaya” a cane or with Sagat “zills” ! Learn sassy and modern yet traditionally grounded saidi technique. Saidi technique and combinations will be taught and then strung together to create a longer full choreography. Background and historical information will be gone over in order to give each dancer a frame of reference for current and past Saidi trends.
Silvestre Technique with Donna Mejia
Friday, 3:30-5pm
Silvestre Technique is a contemporary modern dance training system rooted in the symbology and gestures of Brazilian dance and movement culture. It is astonishing to watch and a revelation for dancers who have studied it. It is a strongly technical system, whereby dancers grow to possess strength, versatility, speed, elasticity, precision, and elegant expression in their bodies. The Silvestre Technique is not only a system for training of the physical form, it also provides a paradigm for how humans relate to, receive and manage subtle energies/life force from the universe as they are embodied through the elements of nature: earth, air, water and fire.